Infrastructure, parks, and recreational facilities

As a City Council member for Ward 2, I will:

  • Address the infrastructure deficit to keep Regina moving, connected, healthy, and safe
  • Prioritize the indoor aquatics facility, downtown library, and new library branches to meet community needs
  • Invest in active mobility infrastructure and better connect Harbour Landing through pedestrian pathways and bike trails
  • Explore adding BBQ areas and restrooms to select parks
  • Vote against expensive stadium projects that increase the tax burden while failing to deliver on promised economic benefits

Infrastructure keeps Regina moving, connected, healthy, and safe. The City must address the infrastructure deficit by repairing roads and boulevards, maintaining and upgrading other critical infrastructure, and installing bike- and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure to encourage active mobility. I will advocate for better multi-use path connectivity between Harbour Landing and the rest of the city, giving cyclists and pedestrians a safer option to cross Lewvan Drive to get to work or school. Major projects like the renewal of Dewdney Avenue and Saskatchewan Drive need to be built for the future, with sustainability, walkability, and bikeability in mind.

Our public library system provides community-building, education, and programming throughout the City. I will champion the creation of a Regina Public Library branch in Harbour Landing, either as a standalone branch or as part of the new joint-use school being built in the neighbourhood. The George Bothwell library branch serves the Albert Park community well and must be maintained. The City must also address the need for a new or updated Central Library branch, which is an anchor for Regina’s downtown. As our neighbourhoods grow, the City should commit to providing excellent and accessible recreational facilities, parks, and other public spaces in all areas of Regina. The Harbour Landing Environmental Reserve and other green spaces are the pride of the neighbourhood. I will explore nature-based solutions to keep parks and green spaces well-maintained and accessible to all.

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